$(document).ready(function(){ $("#add_student").on("click", function() { bootbox.prompt("請輸入學生的完整姓名", function(name) { if (name != null) { $.ajax({ url: "/children", type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: { name: name }, success: function(res) { if (res.status == "success") { bootbox.alert("已經成功將學生關聯到帳號",function() { if ($.inArray(res.child_id, child_ids)) { child_ids.push(res.child_id); Profile.load_children(); } }); } else { bootbox.alert("目前無法將學生關聯到帳號,請來電(02)2345-8832,讓我們提供更多協助"); } }, error: function(xhr, err) { bootbox.alert("目前無法將學生關聯到帳號,請來電(02)2345-8832,讓我們提供更多協助"); } }); } }); }); }); var Profile = {}; Profile.load_children = function () { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/profile/json/" + child_ids.join("|"), success: function(res) { html = ''; for (var j = 0; j < res.photos.length; j++) { p = res.photos[j]; photos[p.id] = p; item_html = Profile.get_line_html(p); html += item_html; } Profile.set_isotope_handlers(html); $("#profile_filter").show(); } }); //ajax } //load_children Profile.load_course = function () { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/gallery/course/json/" + course_id, success: function(res) { html = ''; for (var j = 0; j < res.photos.length; j++) { p = res.photos[j]; photos[p.id] = p; item_html = Profile.get_line_html(p); html += item_html; } Profile.set_isotope_handlers(html); $("#profile_filter").show(); } }); //ajax } //load_course Profile.load_event = function () { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/gallery/event/json/" + event_id, success: function(res) { html = ''; for (var j = 0; j < res.photos.length; j++) { p = res.photos[j]; photos[p.id] = p; item_html = Profile.get_line_html(p); html += item_html; } Profile.set_isotope_handlers(html); $("#profile_filter").show(); } }); //ajax } //load_event Profile.load_public = function() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/gallery/json", success: function(res) { html = ''; for (var j = 0; j < res.photos.length; j++) { p = res.photos[j]; photos[p.id] = p; item_html = Profile.get_line_html(p); html += item_html; } Profile.set_isotope_handlers(html); $("#public_filter").show(); $('#gallery').isotope({ filter: "*" }); $(".desc.icon-comment-alt").hide(); } }); //ajax } Profile.get_line_html = function(photo) { var line = ""; if (photo.title=="None") photo.title = ''; photo.has_title = (photo.title && photo.title != ''); photo.has_description = (photo.description && photo.description != ''); var type = ((photo.is_photo) ? 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" "+photo.extra : ""); line += ''; return line; }; Profile.set_isotope_handlers = function(html) { var $container = $('#gallery'); $container.html(html); var columnWidth = 200; if ($container.width() > 1000) columnWidth = $container.width() / 5; else if ($container.width() > 800) columnWidth = $container.width() / 4; else if ($container.width() > 600) columnWidth = $container.width() / 3; else columnWidth = $container.width() / 2; $container.isotope({ // options isAnimated: false, itemSelector : '.gallery_item', layoutMode : 'masonry', //filter: '.latest', resizable: true, // disable normal resizing resizesContainer: true, animationEngine: 'best-available', masonry: { columnWidth: columnWidth } }); $container.infinitescroll({ navSelector: '#page_nav', // selector for the paged navigation nextSelector: '#page_nav a', // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2) itemSelector: '.gallery_item', // selector for all items you'll retrieve debug: false, loading: { msgText: '載入更多過去課程的照片 more images...', finishedMsg: '沒有照片可以載入了...', img: '/assets/images/loader.gif' } }, function( newElements ) { var $newElements = $(newElements); $container.imagesLoaded(function(){ //$container.html(''); $container.isotope('appended', $newElements, function(){console.log('Appended');}); var selector = $(".sort a.active").attr('data-filter'); $container.isotope({ filter: selector }); }); } ); $('.sort a').click(function() { $(".gallery_item.large").removeClass("large"); $(".sort a.active").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter'); $container.isotope({ filter: selector }); return false; }); $(".gallery_item").on("click", function(e) { if (!$(this).hasClass("large") && $("body").width() >= 767) { // restore original size var old_img = $(".gallery_item.large").find("img"); old_img.css({ "width": old_img.attr("w"), "height": old_img.attr("h") }); $(".gallery_item.large").removeClass("large"); // double clicked item var img = $(this).find("img"); var w = $(this).width(); var h = $(this).height(); var target_w = w * (252 / h); var target_h = 252; if (target_w > $("#gallery").width()) { target_w = $("#gallery").width(); target_h = h * (target_w / w); } img.attr("w", w).attr("h", h).animate({"width": target_w, "height": target_h}, 300, function() { $container.isotope("reLayout"); }); $(this).addClass("large"); } else { var link = $(this).find("a").attr("href"); if (link && link != "") window.open(link); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); $("#filter").on("click", function() { $("#option").show(); }); //Profile.FixImgWidth(); } Profile.fixCount = 0; Profile.FixImgWidth = function () { Profile.fixCount++; var gotWidth = false; var w = $(".gallery_item img:first").width(); if (w > 60) gotWidth = true; if (gotWidth || Profile.fixCount > 5) { $(".gallery_item").each(function() { var h = $(this).height(); $(this).find("img").css({"height": h, "width" : "auto"}); }); $("#gallery").isotope("reLayout"); } else { var r = Profile.fixCount*200; setTimeout(Profile.FixImgWidth, r); return; } }