var e = e || {}; e.CSView = function(t, n) { var r, i, s, o = function() { this.folder = e.newFoldFunction(e.pythonRangeFinder); var n = function(e) { var t = e.getCursor(!0), n = e.getCursor(!1), r = t.line, i = n.line; === 0 ? i -= 1 : += 1, e.operation(function() { for (var s = r; s <= i; s++) { var o = e.getLine(s); e.setLine(s, "#" + o) } e.setSelection(t, n) }) }, r = function(e) { var t = e.getCursor(!0), n = e.getCursor(!1), r = t.line, i = n.line; === 0 && (i -= 1); var s = /^(\s*)\#/; e.operation(function() { var o, u; for (var a = r; a <= i; a++) o = e.getLine(a), u = o.replace(s, "$1"), o !== u && e.setLine(a, u); o !== u && !== 0 && ( -= 1), e.setSelection(t, n) }) }; this.tabStop = 4, this.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(t("#code")[0], {mode: {name: "python",version: 2,singleLineStringErrors: !1},gutters: ["fold-gutter"],fixedGutter: !1,lineNumbers: !0,indentUnit: this.tabStop,tabMode: "indent",matchBrackets: !0,extraKeys: {"Ctrl-Q": function(e) { o.folder(e, e.getCursor().line) },"Ctrl-K": n,"Shift-Ctrl-K": r}}), this.editor.on("gutterClick", this.folder), this.errorLine = null, this.pre = null; var i = {console: "#console",splitBar: "#splitbar",grip: "#grip",runButton: "#run",saveButton: "#save",dlButton: "#dl",freshButton: "#fresh",loadLocalButton: "#loadlocal",resetButton: "#reset",docButton: "#docs",demoButton: "#demos",tipsButton: "#tips",localFile: "#localfile",dlanchor: "#dlhref",topbar: "#controls",brand: "#brand"}; for (var s in i) this[s] = t(i[s]); var o = this; = function(e) { }, this.minheight = this.console.height(); var u = this.console.offset().top, a = t("#bottom").height() * 3; this.extraheight = u + a, this.split = !0, this.edwidth = t(this.editor.getWrapperElement()).width(), this.conwidth = this.console.width(), this.width = this.edwidth + this.conwidth }, u = function(e, t) { if (e[t]) return e[t](); if (document.createEvent) { var n = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); return n.initEvent(t, !0, !0), !e.dispatchEvent(n) } var n = document.createEventObject(); return e.fireEvent("on" + t, n) }; return o.prototype.configure = function(e) { this.model = e, this.runButton.button({text: !1,icons: {primary: "ui-icon-play"}}), this.saveButton.button({text: !1,icons: {primary: "ui-icon-disk"}}), this.dlButton.button({text: !1,disabled: !0,icons: {primary: "ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-s"}}), this.freshButton.button({text: !1,icons: {primary: "ui-icon-suitcase"}}), this.loadLocalButton.button({text: !1,icons: {primary: "ui-icon-folder-open"}}), this.resetButton.button({text: !1,icons: {primary: "ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-w"}}), this.docButton.button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-info"}}), this.demoButton.button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-script"}}), this.tipsButton.button({icons: {primary: "ui-icon-wrench"}}) }, r = function(e, t) { var n = e.width - t; e.editor.setSize(t, null), n |= 0, e.console.width(n), e.editor.refresh() }, i = function(e, t) { t -= e.extraheight, t < e.minheight && (t = e.minheight), e.editor.setSize(null, t), e.splitBar.height(t), e.grip[0] = t / 2 - e.grip.height() / 2 + "px", e.console.height(t), e.editor.refresh() }, s = function(e, t) { var n = t.parentNode; while (n !== null) { if (n === e) return !0; n = n.parentNode } return !1 }, o.prototype.start = function() { var e, o, a, f, l, c = this.model, h = this, p = document.getElementById("active"), d = function(e, t) { var n = e / 2 - t / 2; h.brand.css({left: n + "px"}) }; this.brand.load(function() { var e = h.topbar.outerWidth(), t = h.brand.width(); d(e, t) }), d(this.topbar.outerWidth(), 129), { h.runButton.blur(), }), { h.saveButton.blur(), }), { h.freshButton.blur(),!0) }), { var e, n, r = h.dlanchor[0]; h.dlButton.blur(), e = r.href, n = t.ajax({url: e,type: "GET",success: function() { u(r, "click") },error: function() { u(r, "click") }}) }), e = function(e) { var t = p, r = 0, i = 0; while (t && t.tagName != "BODY") r += t.offsetTop, i += t.offsetLeft, t = t.offsetParent; return {x: e.clientX - i + n.pageXOffset,y: e.clientY - r + n.pageYOffset} }, o = function(t) { var n = e(t), i = n.x >= h.width ? h.width : n.x; r(h, i), h.edwidth = i, h.conwidth = h.width - h.edwidth, h.split = !0 }, a = function(e) { p.removeEventListener("mousemove", o, !0), p.removeEventListener("mouseup", a, !0), p.removeEventListener("mouseout", f, !0) }, f = function(e) { var t = e.toElement; t !== p && !s(p, t) && (p.removeEventListener("mousemove", o, !0), p.removeEventListener("mouseup", a, !0), p.removeEventListener("mouseout", f, !0)) }, this.splitBar.hover(function() { t(this).css("cursor", "col-resize") }, function() { t(this).css("cursor", "auto") }), this.splitBar.mousedown(function() { return document.body.focus(), p.addEventListener("mousemove", o, !0), p.addEventListener("mouseup", a, !0), p.addEventListener("mouseout", f, !0), !1 }), this.splitBar.dblclick(function() { h.split ? (r(h, h.width), h.split = !1) : (r(h, h.edwidth), h.split = !0) }), n.onresize = function() { var e = t(n).height(); i(h, e) }, i(h, t(n).height()), l = function(e) { var t =[0]; c.loadLocal(t) }, this.localFile.on("change", l), t(document).on("change", "#localfile", l), { h.loadLocalButton.blur(), navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1 && }), { h.resetButton.blur(), c.reset() }), { var e; h.docButton.blur(), e = document.getElementById("docanchor"), u(e, "click") }), { var e; h.demoButton.blur(), e = document.getElementById("demoanchor"), u(e, "click") }), { var e; h.tipsButton.blur(), e = document.getElementById("tipanchor"), u(e, "click") }), t(n).bind("hashchange", function() { c.loadRemote(n.location.hash) }), this.model.loadRemote(n.location.hash) }, o.prototype.setFilename = function(e) { n.location.hash = e }, o.prototype.showDownload = function(e) { var t = this, n = function(e, r) { t.dlButton.button("option", "disabled", !0), t.saveButton.button("option", "disabled", !1),"change", n), t.saveButton.blur(), t.saveButton.removeClass("ui-state-hover") }; this.dlanchor.attr("href", e), this.dlButton.button("option", "disabled", !1), this.saveButton.button("option", "disabled", !0), this.editor.on("change", n) }, o.prototype.getEditState = function() { var e, t, n, r, i, s, o = this.editor.getScrollInfo(), u = this.editor.getCursor(), a = [], f = !1; for (e = 0, t = this.editor.lineCount(); e < t; ++e) { n = this.editor.findMarksAt({line: e,ch: 0}), r = !1; for (i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) n[i].__isFold && (r = !0, f || (a.push(e - 1), f = !0)); f && !r && (f = !1) } return s = {x: o.left,y:,cursor: u,folded: a}, s }, o.prototype.setCode = function(e, t) { var n, r = this.editor, i = this.folder; r.setValue(e); if (t) { r.setCursor(t.cursor), r.scrollTo(t.x, t.y); for (n = 0; n < t.folded.length; n++) i(r, t.folded[n]) } }, o.prototype.getCode = function() { return this.editor.getValue() }, o.prototype.getTabStop = function() { return this.tabStop }, o.prototype.setHash = function(e) { n.location.hash = e }, o.prototype.consoleOutput = function(e) { var n; this.pre || (this.pre = t("
"), this.console.append(this.pre)), n = t("
").text(e).html(), this.pre.append(n), this.console.scrollTop(this.console.prop("scrollHeight")) }, o.prototype.colorOutput = function(e, n) { var r, i = t("
"), s = t("");
        s.css("color", n), r = t("
").text(e).html(), s.append(r), i.append(s), this.console.append(i), this.console.scrollTop(this.console.prop("scrollHeight")), this.pre = null }, o.prototype.exceptOutput = function(e, t, n) { var r = "", i = n(), s = t(); i && (r += "File '" + i + "', "), s && (r += "Line " + s + ": "), r += e, this.colorOutput(r, "red"), s && i === undefined && (this.errorLine = this.editor.addLineClass(s - 1, "background", "activeline"), this.editor.setCursor(s - 1), this.editor.focus()) }, o.prototype.reset = function() { this.errorLine && (this.editor.removeLineClass(this.errorLine, "background", "activeline"), this.errorLine = null), this.console.html(""), this.pre = null, CodeMirror.commands.clearSearch !== undefined && CodeMirror.commands.clearSearch(this.editor) }, o }(jQuery, window), e = e || {}, e.pythonRangeFinder = function(e, t) { var n, r, i, s = e.getOption("tabSize"), o = e.getLine(t.line), u = CodeMirror.countColumn(o, null, s), a = null; for (n = t.line + 1, r = e.lineCount(); n < r; ++n) { i = e.getLine(n); if (!/^\s*(?:\#.*)?$/.test(i)) { if (CodeMirror.countColumn(i, null, s) <= u) break; a = n } } return a ? {from: {line: t.line,ch: o.length},to: {line: a,ch: e.getLine(a).length}} : null }, e.newFoldFunction = function(e, t) { var n; return t == null && (t = "↔"), typeof t == "string" && (n = document.createTextNode(t), t = document.createElement("span"), t.appendChild(n), t.className = "CodeMirror-foldmarker"), function(n, r) { var i, s, o, u, a, f, l; typeof r == "number" && (r = {line: r,ch: 0}), i = e(n, r); if (!i) return; s = n.findMarksAt(i.from), o = 0; for (u = 0; u < s.length; ++u) s[u].__isFold && (++o, s[u].clear()); if (o) { n.setGutterMarker(r.line, "fold-gutter", null); return } a = t.cloneNode(!0), f = n.markText(i.from,, {replacedWith: a,clearOnEnter: !0,__isFold: !0}), CodeMirror.on(a, "mousedown", function() { f.clear() }), CodeMirror.on(f, "clear", function() { n.setGutterMarker(r.line, "fold-gutter", null) }), l = document.createElement("span"), l.appendChild(document.createTextNode("▶")), = "#600", n.setGutterMarker(r.line, "fold-gutter", l) } }, e = e || {}, e.GoogleData = {baseURL: "http://codeskulptor-{0}",writeBucket: "user38",googleid: "GOOGRIILZK4YZDZNPMHR",policy: "eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjogIjIwMTQtMTItMzFUMTI6MDA6MDAuMDAwWiIsCgogICJjb25kaXRpb25zIjogWwogICAgeyJidWNrZXQiOiAiY29kZXNrdWxwdG9yLXVzZXIzOCJ9LAogICAgWyJzdGFydHMtd2l0aCIsICIka2V5IiwgInVzZXIzOCJdLAogICAgWyJlcSIsICIkQ29udGVudC1UeXBlIiwgInRleHQveC1weXRob24iXSwKICAgIFsiY29udGVudC1sZW5ndGgtcmFuZ2UiLCAwLCA2NTUzNl0KICBdCn0K",signature: "Rt7coPWVhT6o3n8BfhGF/MaEZe8="}, e = e || {}, String.prototype.format = function() { var e = arguments; return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(t, n) { return typeof e[n] != "undefined" ? e[n] : t }) }, e.CSModel = function(e) { var t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a = function(e, t, n) { this.bucket = undefined, this.uid = undefined, this.seqnum = undefined, this.ext = undefined, this.filename = undefined, this.hashLen = e, this.shareLen = 1.5 * e | 0, this.baseURL = t, this.writeBucket = n }, f = ".py", l = 4; return a.prototype.configure = function(e) { this.view = e }, t = '# CodeSkulptor runs Python programs in your browser.\n# Click the upper left button to run this simple demo.\n\n# CodeSkulptor runs in Chrome 18+, Firefox 11+, and Safari 6+.\n# Some features may work in other browsers, but do not expect\n# full functionality. It does NOT run in Internet Explorer.\n\nimport simplegui\n\nmessage = "Welcome!"\n\n# Handler for mouse click\ndef click():\n global message\n message = "Good job!"\n\n# Handler to draw on canvas\ndef draw(canvas):\n canvas.draw_text(message, [50,112], 48, "Red")\n\n# Create a frame and assign callbacks to event handlers\nframe = simplegui.create_frame("Home", 300, 200)\nframe.add_button("Click me", click)\nframe.set_draw_handler(draw)\n\n# Start the frame animation\nframe.start()\n', a.prototype.spaceRE = /^ *\t[ \t]*/gm, a.prototype.spacesForTabs = function(e) { return function(t) { var n, r, i = ""; for (n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t.charAt(n) === " " ? (r = e - i.length % e, i += Array(r + 1).join(" ")) : i += " "; return i } }, a.prototype.start = function() { var n = this, r = function(e) { var t = /^\.\/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)\_([\w]+?)(?:\_(\d+))?\.py$/, n = e.match(t), r, i, s, o; return n == null ? null : (r = n[1], i = n[2], n[3] === undefined ? s = null : s = parseInt(n[3]), o = r + "_" + i, s != null && (o += "_" + s), o += ".py", console.log("Import: bucket: " + r + " uid: " + i + " seqnum: " + s + " filename: " + o), {bucket: r,filename: o}) }, i = function(t) { if (Sk.builtinFiles !== undefined && Sk.builtinFiles.files[t] !== undefined) return Sk.builtinFiles.files[t]; var i = r(t); if (i !== null) { var s = n.baseURL.format(i.bucket) + i.filename, o = {async: !1,error: function(e, n, r) { throw "File not found: '" + t + "'" },timeout: 5e3}, u = e.ajax(s, o).responseText, a = n.view.getTabStop(); return u = u.replace(n.spaceRE, n.spacesForTabs(a)), Sk.execStart = new Date, u } throw "File not found: '" + t + "'" }, s = function(e) { n.handle_exception(e) }; Sk.configure({output: this.view.stdout,debugout: this.view.stddbg,read: i,error: s}), this.view.setCode(t) }, a.prototype.handle_exception = function(e) { var t, n, r, i; if (e instanceof Sk.builtin.ParseError || e instanceof Sk.builtin.SyntaxError || e instanceof Sk.builtin.IndentationError || e instanceof Sk.builtin.TokenError) try { e.args.v[2] !== undefined && (Sk.currLineNo = e.args.v[2]), e.args.v[1] !== undefined && (Sk.currFilename = e.args.v[1].v), t = e.args.v[3][0][1], n = e.args.v[3][1][1], r = e.args.v[3][2].substring(t, n), e.args.v[0] = e.args.v[0].sq$concat(new Sk.builtin.str(" ('" + r + "')")) } catch (s) { } i =$name + ": " + e, this.view.stderr(i), this.sk_cleanup() }, n = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789", a.prototype.createHash = function(e) { var t, r = "", i = e || this.hashLen; for (t = 0; t < i; t++) r += n.charAt(Math.random() * n.length | 0); return r }, a.prototype.getLineNo = function() { return Sk.currLineNo ? Sk.currLineNo : undefined }, a.prototype.getFilename = function() { var e; return Sk.currFilename && Sk.currFilename !== ".py" ? (e = Sk.currFilename.split("/"), e[e.length - 1]) : undefined }, a.prototype.sk_cleanup = function() { Sk.simplegui && (Sk.simplegui.cleanup(), Sk.simplegui = undefined), Sk.simpleplot && (Sk.simpleplot.cleanup(), Sk.simpleplot = undefined), Sk.maps && (Sk.maps.cleanup(), Sk.maps = undefined) }, a.prototype.reset = function() { this.sk_cleanup(), this.view.reset() }, = function() { var e, t, n, r = this.view.getTabStop(); try { e = this.view.getCode(), t = this.view.getEditState(), e = e.replace(this.spaceRE, this.spacesForTabs(r)), this.view.setCode(e, t), this.reset(), Sk.currLineNo = undefined, Sk.currColNo = undefined, Sk.currFilename = undefined, Sk.setExecLimit(5e3), n = Sk.importMainWithBody("", !1, e) } catch (e) { handle_exception(5) } }, r = function(e, t, n, r) { var i = e + "_" + t; return n >= 0 && (i += "_" + n.toString()), r === undefined ? i += f : i += r, i }, i = function(t, n, s, o) { var u; o = o || 1; if (o > l) { alert("Unable to save at this time."); return } u = r(t.writeBucket, n, s), console.log("Save key: " + u + " attempt: " + o); var a = t.baseURL.format(t.writeBucket) + u, c = e.ajax({url: a,type: "HEAD",success: function(e, r) { n = t.createHash(), s >= 0 && (s = 0), i(t, n, s, o++) },error: function(r, i, o) { o == "Not Found" ? (e("#keyid")[0].value = u, e("#codeform")[0].submit(), t.bucket = t.writeBucket, t.uid = n, t.seqnum = s, t.ext = f, t.filename = u, t.view.setHash(u), t.view.showDownload(a, u)) : alert("Unable to save at this time.") }}) }, = function(e) { var t, n, r, s, o; e ? (t = this.createHash(this.shareLen), n = -1) : this.uid ? (t = this.uid, n = this.seqnum + 1) : (t = this.createHash(), n = 0), r = this.view.getTabStop(), s = this.view.getCode(), o = this.view.getEditState(), s = s.replace(this.spaceRE, this.spacesForTabs(r)), this.view.setCode(s, o), i(this, t, n) }, s = function(e) { e.uid ? e.view.setHash(e.filename) : e.view.setHash("") }, o = function(e) { var t = /^#([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)[\-_]([\w\-]+?)(?:[\-_](\d+))?(\.py)$/, n = e.match(t), r, i, s, o; return n == null ? null : (r = n[1], i = n[2], n[3] === undefined ? s = -1 : s = parseInt(n[3]), o = n[4], console.log("New: bucket: " + r + " uid: " + i + " seqnum: " + s + " ext: " + o), {bucket: r,uid: i,seqnum: s,ext: o}) }, a.prototype.loadRemote = function(t) { var n, r, i, u, a; if (!t) { this.bucket = undefined, this.uid = undefined, this.seqnum = undefined, this.ext = undefined, this.filename = undefined; return } n = o(t), r = t.slice(1); if (!n) { alert("Invalid file name: " + r), s(this); return } if (this.filename == r) return; i = this, u = i.baseURL.format(n.bucket) + r, a = e.get(u), a.success(function(e) { i.view.setCode(e), i.reset(), i.bucket = n.bucket, i.uid = n.uid, i.seqnum = n.seqnum, i.ext = n.ext, i.filename = r }), a.error(function() { s(i), alert("Unable to load file: " + r) }) }, u = function(e) { var t = ""; switch (e.currentTarget.error.code) { case FileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: t = "QUOTA EXCEEDED"; break; case FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR: t = "NOT FOUND"; break; case FileError.SECURITY_ERR: t = "SECURITY ERROR"; break; case FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: t = "INVALID MODIFICATION"; break; case FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR: t = "INVALID STATE"; break; default: t = "Unknown Error" } alert("Error opening file: " + t) }, a.prototype.loadLocal = function(e) { var t = this, n = new FileReader; n.onload = function(e) { t.view.setCode( }, n.onerror = u, n.readAsText(e) }, a }(jQuery), e = e || {}, e.Controller = function() { var t, n, r, i; this.view = new e.CSView, this.model = new e.CSModel(10, e.GoogleData.baseURL, e.GoogleData.writeBucket), t = e.GoogleData.baseURL.format(e.GoogleData.writeBucket), $("#codeform")[0].action = t, $("#googleid")[0].value = e.GoogleData.googleid, $("#policy")[0].value = e.GoogleData.policy, $("#signature")[0].value = e.GoogleData.signature, n = function(e, t) { return function() { return e.apply(t, arguments) } }, r = {stdout: n(this.view.consoleOutput, this.view),stddbg: n(function(e) { this.view.colorOutput(e, "blue") }, this),stderr: n(function(e) { this.view.exceptOutput(e, this.model.getLineNo, this.model.getFilename) }, this),setFilename: n(this.view.setFilename, this.view),showDownload: n(this.view.showDownload, this.view),getEditState: n(this.view.getEditState, this.view),setCode: n(this.view.setCode, this.view),getCode: n(this.view.getCode, this.view),getTabStop: n(this.view.getTabStop, this.view),setHash: n(this.view.setHash, this.view),reset: n(this.view.reset, this.view)}, i = {run: n(, this.model),save: n(, this.model),loadRemote: n(this.model.loadRemote, this.model),loadLocal: n(this.model.loadLocal, this.model),reset: n(this.model.reset, this.model)}, this.view.configure(i), this.model.configure(r), this.model.start(), this.view.start() }, jQuery(function() { var t = new e.Controller });